National Flag Adoption Day 2024 Themes, History & Interesting Facts

National Flag Adoption Day, noticed every year on July 22nd, honors the reception of the Indian National Flag. This day denotes a huge crossroads in India’s set of experiences, as it represents the nation’s excursion towards freedom and its public character. The Indian National Flag, otherwise called the “Tiranga,” was formally embraced on July 22, 1947, by the Constituent Get together, only weeks before India acquired autonomy from English rule on August 15, 1947.

National Flag Adoption Day 2024

National Flag Adoption Day is commended on July 22, consistently. This day denotes the reception of the Tricolor (India’s National Flag) by the Constituent Get together of India on July 22, 1947, a month prior to India’s freedom from English rule. The day is praised to honor the reception of the National Flag and to cultivate positive energy and national integration among individuals of India. In 1921, during the All India Congress Board meeting at Bezwada (presently Vijayawada), Pingali Venkayya, an Indian political dissident and farming researcher, introduced a plan to Mahatma Gandhi.

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National Flag Adoption Day Themes

Every year, National Flag Adoption Day is commended in India on July 22. The day is seen to recognize the Constituent Gathering’s reception of the tricolor in its ongoing structure in 1947, a month prior to our nation acquired Freedom from English rule. Prior, the Flag Code didn’t permit anybody to fly the national flag at their homes, workplaces, or some other business puts other than on exceptional events like January 26, August 15, or October 2. Nonetheless, the Flag Code was changed on January 26, 2002, which allowed to everybody to raise the tricolor at their homes, workplaces, or some other foundation consistently.

About Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign

The Har Ghar Tiranga crusade was a mission sent off by the Public authority of India on 13 August 2022, on the event of the 75th commemoration of India’s freedom. The mission urged individuals to raise the Indian national flag (Tiranga) in their homes and working environments. The mission run from 13 August to 15 August 2022. The goal of the mission was to ingrain a feeling of enthusiasm and public pride among individuals of India. The mission likewise assisted with advancing the national flag and its importance.

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History of National Flag Adoption Day

The historical backdrop of the Indian National Flag is profoundly interwoven with India’s battle for freedom. The flag went through a few emphasess before its last reception, each addressing various periods of the opportunity development. The primary informal flag of India was raised on August 7, 1906, in Calcutta (presently Kolkata). It contained three even stripes of green, yellow, and red, with the words “Vande Mataram” engraved in the center stripe and images of the sun and the moon.

Interesting Facts About India’s National Flag

The flag was planned by Pingali Venkayya, a political dissident from Andhra Pradesh. The flag has three level stripes of equivalent width, saffron at the top, white in the center, and green at the base. In the focal point of the white stripe is a naval force blue Ashoka Chakra, with 24 spokes.

  • The saffron variety implies boldness, penance, and the soul of renunciation.
  • The white variety means harmony, immaculateness, and light.
  • The Ashoka Chakra addresses the wheel of regulation and addresses the Buddhist idea of dharma.
  • The flag is flown at all administration structures and foundations in India.
  • The flag is additionally flown at private structures on unique events like Freedom Day and Republic Day.
  • The flag code of India determines the standards and guidelines for the utilization of the national flag.

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22nd July 2024 Special Day

On the extraordinary day of July 22, 2024, we cheerfully observe National Flag Adoption Day. This yearly remembrance holds importance as it denotes the reception of India’s Tricolor by the Constituent Gathering on July 22, 1947, simply a month prior to the nation acquired freedom from English rule. We should treasure the token that represents our solidarity, variety, and the soul of a free counatry, encouraging pride and nationalism across India.

Final Words

The national flag was a strong image of India’s opportunity battle. It was a sign of the penances made by the political dissidents, and it motivated individuals to keep battling for freedom. The flag is currently an image of India’s solidarity and pride. The mission was invited by individuals of India. Individuals energetically partook in the mission and lifted the national flag in their homes. The mission likewise got positive input from ideological groups and different associations.

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