DNPA Code of Ethics

We at are dedicated to upholding the utmost ethical standards in journalism. As a conscientious digital news outlet, we follow the regulations established by the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA). Our goal is to provide precise, impartial, and clear news to our audience, all the while emphasizing integrity and responsibility.

Core Principles

1. Accuracy and Fairness

  • We strive to provide news that is accurate, well-sourced, and fact-checked.
  • Corrections and clarifications are promptly made when necessary.
  • We present news in an unbiased manner, giving all relevant viewpoints a fair representation.

2. Independence and Integrity

  • Our editorial decisions are free from undue influence from advertisers, sponsors, or other external pressures.
  • We maintain a clear separation between our editorial content and advertising.

3. Transparency

  • We disclose our sources of information whenever possible, unless confidentiality is necessary to protect the source.
  • Sponsored content and advertisements are clearly identified as such.

4. Respect for Privacy

  • We respect the privacy of individuals and do not publish personal information without consent unless it is of public interest.
  • We handle sensitive information with care and consideration for those involved.

5. Accountability

  • We are accountable to our readers and take responsibility for our content.
  • Readers can contact us with concerns, complaints, or suggestions, and we will address them promptly and transparently.

Ethical Conduct

Editorial Integrity

  • Our editorial team is committed to ethical journalism practices and undergoes regular training to stay updated on industry standards.
  • We avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts when they arise.


  • We have a rigorous fact-checking process to ensure the accuracy of our news.
  • Any factual errors are corrected as soon as they are identified, and corrections are clearly marked.


  • We provide balanced coverage, ensuring that all sides of a story are presented.
  • Opinion pieces are clearly labeled and do not interfere with our impartial news reporting.

Commitment to the Public

  • We prioritize the public interest and strive to contribute positively to society.
  • Our content aims to inform, educate, and engage our readers, fostering a well-informed community.

Feedback and Complaints

  • We welcome feedback from our readers and are committed to addressing any complaints in a timely and fair manner.
  • Complaints can be submitted through our contact page, and we will investigate and respond to them promptly.